Do You Need Help? Yes I Do!

Do You Need Help? Yes I Do!

Has there ever been that time in your life when you felt you need an extra boost? Feel like you need help getting where you want to be? You’re not alone. I was in the same position until I found two amazing self-love books. Though it took a while before I read them both I enjoyed taking my time to soak in all the helpful information. It’s crazy how instances in these books fit into day to day situations I found myself in.



The first book was Radical Self- Love by Gala Darling.  I have to say Gala Darling is an amazing author and gets straight to the point. The book gave me a lot helpful information I feel I can use to improve the quality of life, clear the negativity and let in positivity. Gala teaches you ways to help manifest the life you want to live. I am not kidding when I say affirmations make a difference in changes your whole mindset and helps you feel mentally better. I never really knew what affirmations were until I started reading this book. Now, that I know I will definitely put it to practice. Gala also shares with you ways to keep yourself happy so as to not allow others negativity to bother you or change your mindset. She explains how to let go of the negativity in your life, since it is toxic. I love how she says it is important to take days where you go and do something alone. Honestly, before I would have been sad to do something alone. But now I see it as time spent away to focus on self-love and self-Improvement. She also shows you ways to love others and to have good relationships in your life. Also, manifesting and having daily magic in our lives is important. What I love is that she gives you homework after each chapter to help you actively work towards incorporating more self-love and self-improvement.  She teaches you things you may have not thought of before or maybe you knew you had to do but just didn’t want to. Having the Confidence within yourself and the willingness to improve the quality of life is what’s going to help you accomplish goals and ultimately get you where you want to be. Gala Darling is a sparkling person that I aspire to be. She is open and honest and does not care what others think. She does what she wants and is successful. One of my favorite quotes from the book is “The marvelous thing about happiness is that, in a lot of ways, it’s very easy. You can either choose a thought that makes you happy or a thought that makes you anxious, and you can make that choice every moment of every day. “

The second book is You Are A Badass How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness And Start Living An Awesome Life by Jen Sincero.  Jen Sincero is definitely a badass and gives you the guidance on how to become a badass and I love it! Jen helps you overcome self-doubt and aim for greatness in your life.  She shares personal stories that are very inspirational that have molded her into the person she is today. By using affirmations Jen establishes how badass she is and manifests the life she wants to live. She showed me that affirmations and manifestation make a huge difference in your life when you know who, where and what you want in life. Keep that set in your mind and don’t let it go and you will have the life you want. This book has definitely been a kick in my butt to overcome self-doubt by telling myself specifically what I want to have in life.  The book also taught me how to get rid of all the B.S. in my life that is holding me back from becoming a better version of myself. She has showed me and told me what I need to do to change that and reach my potential and keep pushing for a life that I want and it won’t only just be a dream it will become a reality. Jen Sincero is a badass and has manifested the life she wanted and has become an amazing role model on how to let go of the self-doubting and be who you are meant to be and I want to be just like her. I want to be a badass and create the life I want from what I learned from her. One of my favorite quotes is “Going out into the world and trying, yet still deep down believing that you’re ruled by your past circumstances, is like forgiving someone but still hoping they sit in something wet.”

Both books are full of so much, self-empowerment, self-improvement and self-love.  I enjoyed reading these books, learning about these two women’s stories and how they have used what they know in life to help others.  They have definitely changed my life for the better.  I will be using what I have learned from them and put it to practice to continuously improve the quality of life I have now and moving forward in the future. All of the learning and information I have taken from these books will give me the self-empowerment to create the life I want. These two books will definitely be my go to books about Self-Love. I can go on and on about these books but in order for you to understand why I love it so much you should check it out.

❤Alyssa Renee

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